1. What does the list of offences Job has never committed tell us about him? (Job 31:5-34).
2. Which of the friends do you think was most (or least) helpful? Focus on one point which merits further reflection when next confronted with a friend's crisis situation.
3. In the light of 4:1-6, think of a doctor facing a serious operation or a Relate Counsellor confronting the break-up of his/her own marriage. Reflect on the difference between handling other people's problems and your own or ponder Job's feelings alongside that of many a victim of extreme violence or other similar personal crisis.
4. Recall a situation when you felt like Job or were called in to help someone experiencing Job's sense of frustration and isolation. Jot down briefly what you said and what questions you might have asked but didn't. Compare your attitude and responses to those of Job and his friends.
5. At what point does help for a friend switch from commitment to your friend to commitment to your argument?